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Proposed new guidance from the Crown Prosecution Service promotes more gender ideology

It encroaches on established language, existing law, even our most private intimate relationships

Written by Caroline ffiske, 1 October 2022

The Crown Prosecution Service has launched a public consultation on proposed new guidance regarding the treatment of ‘deception as to sex’ in rape and serious sexual assault cases. (Confusingly, it uses the term ‘gender’ throughout.)

  • The proposed guidance illustrates the impact of the Government allowing gender ideology to embed across our public institutions. Organisations cross-quote and reference each other, building up a false impression of government sign-off and democratic legitimacy to gender ideology.
  • It illustrates a dangerous new trend whereby organisations captured by gender ideology are reinterpreting the use of the word 'gender' to mean, not sex, but 'gender identity' - a push, which if successful, will impact the meaning of whole swathes of government activity, law, and regulation.
  • It illustrates how captured the CPS remains by gender ideology, despite the departure of Stonewall - and despite the recent debacle whereby it withdrew another document - aimed at schools and full of gender ideology - rather than try to publicly defend it.
  • Finally, the draft CPS guidance suggests that if a person misrepresents their sex in close sexual relationships - something that most of us would regard as a gross violation - they should be able to argue that their self-defined ‘gender identity’ potentially means they did not engage in misrepresentation. This seems to potentially legitimise violations of the deepest personal boundaries.

The proposed “CPS legal guidance on Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO), Chapter 6 - Consent” can be found
here. The 12-week consultation began on 26 September and runs through to 19 December.

Individuals and organisations concerned should respond to the consultation. Conservative Ministers and parliamentarians who care about science, truth, democratic legitimacy, and now even sexual autonomy and consent, must step up to take a much more vigorous approach to addressing the capture of our public institutions by gender ideology. 

The entrenching of gender ideology across institutions

The proposed CPS guidance makes an extraordinary claim about the UK government’s definition of ‘sex’. It claims that the government regards it as having been ‘assigned at birth’. That it is ‘generally male or female’. 

We all know that these two statements are scientifically indefensible. The CPS takes them from an
incoherent document about sex and gender on the website of the Office of National Statistics. No source is given for these supposed government definitions.

The CPS guidance makes an equally extraordinary claim about the UK government’s definition of gender:

This is also taken from the ONS and has no original source. Yet the CPS passes it off as a ‘government definition’. 

The CPS also references the Equal Treatment Benchbook and its treatment of gender ideology. This has come in for sustained criticism from people concerned about the spread of gender ideology across public life. One example alone will suffice. The ETBB presents a fantasy about the possibility of successful childhood transition so that a boy might live out his life as a ‘wife’ and ‘mother’ to the very point that the label ‘trans’ has become offensive: “For example, if they transitioned as a child and have spent their adult life as a wife and mother, they may feel treated as inauthentic if referred to as trans against their will during a hearing”. (Page 327) This creates a dangerous fantasy - this ‘mother’ will inhabit a male-sexed body every day of their life; they will be a life-long medical patient with as yet poorly understood health consequences as their male body wrestles with female hormones; yet the ETBB promotes an irresponsible and ideological fantasy that they have simply become a woman.

The layering and cross-referencing of these ideas across public institutions creates a false legitimacy, cements in place ideology. It is not acceptable that the Government has let this ideological material sit unchallenged, undermining science, distorting reality, ultimately harming the safeguarding of the vulnerable and threatening women’s rights. Yes, some of these organisations are arms-length, quangos. But the role of our democratically elected representatives is to work where and how they can to retain democratic legitimacy (and science, truth, reason) in all of our public institutions.

[UPDATE:  Since the publication of this article, the CPS has removed these 'UK Government’s definitions of “sex” and “gender” ' in an open admission that they 'do not reflect a current cross-government agreed position'. Well... Should the consultation now be withdrawn in the light of this update and confusion?]

Changing the meaning of the term 'gender'

As above, the CPS guidance made an extraordinary claim about the UK government’s definition of gender: 'where an individual may see themselves as a man, a woman, as having no gender, or as having a non-binary gender - where people identify as somewhere on a spectrum between man and woman'.

Not so very long ago this incoherent formulation might have been given as a definition of ‘gender identity’.

That it is now given as a definition of ‘gender’ is a deliberate attempt to change the meaning of language.  Right across society, for decades, in all sorts of circumstances, the term ‘gender’ has been used to mean ‘sex’. This attempted linguistic shift implies that in all those circumstances, across institutions, across legal and regulatory documentation, across all kinds of guidance, analysis, and policy, when we originally said ‘gender’ meaning ‘sex’, we actually said ‘gender’ meaning ‘gender identity’. This has enormous implications - it is pursuing the erasure of the importance of sex in how we organise public life. And it implies that this irrelevance of sex was always so. Thereby: public debate avoided, implications not aired, consent not given.

Eurasia has always been at war with Oceania.

The capture of the CPS by gender ideology.

Aside from all of the above, the draft guidance is full of all the neo-concepts and pseudo-science that is regularly rolled out by Stonewall and like-minded entities:

The above definition of ‘trans’ as used by the CPS appears to come from Stonewall:

The Crown Prosecution Service has left Stonewall’s Diversity Championship Scheme but Stonewall does not seem to have left the CPS.

The CPS is the organisation that produced the ‘LGBT+ Hate Crime and Bullying Guidance’ for schools that it literally
withdrew rather than attempt to defend in the public realm

Amongst many other things, the CPS and the adult male authors of this document tried to bully schoolgirls about who they are friends with. According to the CPS, “LGBT+ hate incidents” -
over which they made clear the police take a keen interest - include the following:

I know parents whose girls have been subjected to sustained pressure from boys, claiming to be trans. The boys have later apologised - it was a fad. The CPS wanted the girls to know that they were transphobic for maintaining their boundaries.


The CPS also tried to make school children worry about their own thoughts. Again, having made clear that the police take a keen interest in transphobia (it's a non-crime hate-incident):

Imagine being a school kid, a child, secretly sure that a man can’t really become a woman - and then feeling fearful because a trusted adult in a position of authority has told them their own thoughts are hateful.

As above, upon a legal challenge supported by Safe Schools Alliance, the CPS withdrew this document rather than defend it. Please read it here

Sexual Consent and Deception

The CPS proposed guidance around the treatment of sexual consent and deception lays out what I imagine is a well-established three step process which makes eminent sense:

But here is the extraordinary suggestion from the CPS:

I think the CPS is genuinely suggesting that someone should be allowed to argue (to pretend) that they thought their own biological sex was not of relevance to a sexual partner. 

There is this:

In a crowded gay-bar a young man becomes involved with a trans-identifying female who has been taking testosterone and passes, in a dark bar after a few drinks, as a male? A drunk straight man becomes flirtatious with a trans-identifying male who has had feminising face surgery? 

The CPS seems to be seriously suggesting that grown adults engaged in sexual activity should be able to legitimately argue that they were unaware that a potential partner might care about their sex

I tend to think women are not so easily fooled, hence the male-focused examples above. But lesbian women report how on dating sites or in gay venues they are pressurised by men claiming to be ‘lesbians’ into accepting those men as potential sexual partners. As if sex doesn’t matter. Indefensible boundary-violation from these individual men. The Crown Prosecution Service seems to be legitimising the stance of these men.

I hope lawyers with detailed knowledge of this area of law will have a close look at this guidance and make public comment well before the consultation closes.


Gender ideology has long sought to transgress and disturb human interactions in the public realm, suggesting women should accept trans-identifying men in their spaces and services and sports. 

Now it seeks to transgress and violate our most intimate private boundaries. Some people call this rape culture - the soft-focus be-kind legitimisation of transgression and violation. Please tell the Crown Prosecution Service what you think, via the consultation linked to above.

The Conservative Government has let this transgressive ideology sweep across our public institutions. If our public representatives care about the anchoring of our society in science, truth, and reason; and protecting all of us, but particularly women and children from, violation and transgression in both the public and private realms, they must make a stand. Gender ideology must be rooted out of our public institutions. Given its key role in our justice system, the Crown Prosecution Service would be a good place to start.

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15 July 2024
Almost a year ago I made the difficult decision to retire after the next general election. That election came a little earlier than expected but I made a promise to my family, so I am standing down from both Conservatives for Women and my parliamentary work. I know I am leaving our task in excellent hands; my fellow directors at Conservatives for Women will continue to ensure we solidify the gains we have made within our party, and my dear friends and colleagues in many other groups will hold the new government's feet to the fire. Some of those groups did not even exist three years ago; our movement to restore sanity, safeguarding, and protect our sex-based rights goes from strength to strength. I will be working in parliament until the end of July. I will continue to support our fight in any way I can, and will always be available if I can be of help. I am stepping back, but not completely stepping away. It has been an absolute honour to share this battle with you all. For the foreseeable future though, you will find me listening to Test Match Special in my shed :-) Karen Varley, 15 July 2024
15 July 2024
Five years ago Conservatives for Women was born. We were a group of women shocked by how a marginal, unscientific, and harmful idea was taking centre stage in our shared public life. We knew, like everyone else, that a vanishingly small number of men and women seek to present as the opposite sex in their public and private lives and deserve to be treated civilly. But we did not believe that school children should be taught that ‘everyone has a gender identity’. We knew this involved the State lying to our children. We did not believe that vulnerable children should be supported by the NHS to take experimental drug treatments to suppress their puberty and then move on to cross sex hormones. We instinctively knew this was the State harming our children. We also knew that women had a right to single sex spaces, services, sports, and wider opportunities. And we knew that we had a right to talk about this; yet doing so, five years ago, appeared genuinely frightening. Women were losing their jobs. So a small bunch of Conservative women got together. For several years we worked incredibly closely even though we had never met! Because our goal was clear. We knew that what was going on had to be addressed at a policy level; at a parliamentary level. We needed the Conservative Party to become gender critical. While we worked cooperatively, Karen Varley became our group leader. I expect she had little idea, five years ago, that she would soon be working 70 hour weeks, engaging directly with Ministers, MPs and Peers, tackling serious policy issues in real time. Conservatives for Women, working alongside all the other gender critical groups and grassroots individuals, turned the tide on gender ideology in the UK. Together we created Terf Island. We know that our work is very far from over. But now Karen is retiring and we would like to thank her for a truly immense contribution. She’s played her part in a historic movement. We look forward to someone, someday, writing up this period in full. They will need to talk to Karen. And now our work will continue. Here’s to Karen Varley, grassroots women, and Terf Island! Caroline ffiske, 15 July 2024
12 June 2024
We hope this newsletter finds you well and gearing up for an election battle that’s only just begun, and with the reminder that, however dire the polls, Teresa May had a 20 point lead over Jeremy Corbyn in 2017… and then she published the Conservative manifesto and enraged the public. Her lead plummeted and the Conservative’s majority shrank enough that she had to make a deal with the DUP to command a majority to govern. Labour should be publishing its manifesto tomorrow and there is every chance it contains something that will enrage the public at large. Even if that doesn’t transpire, there is still everything to play for, and to that end, our candidates need your help. We already know the Conservatives have pledged in its manifesto to make the Equality Act clear , to clarify that sex means, and has always meant, biological sex, and not something that can be modified by a piece of paper. This, along with other manifesto commitments, is a measure that will do a great deal to help preserve single sex spaces, and protect the safety and dignity of women and girls. We now need to get out there and make it clear that our candidates not only know what a woman actually is, but will always put the safety, privacy and dignity of women and girls first. If you haven’t read it, the full manifesto can be found here . We highlighted some of the key statements in our X thread here . One of the first candidates to give a clear and well informed response to questions on women’s rights and child safeguarding was Michael Tomlinson , Conservative candidate for Mid Dorset and North Poole. Let us know if your candidate says something useful! Below, we have listed every Conservative candidate who is known to be supportive of our aims. Every one of these candidates needs support, whether it’s through encouraging messages via social media or by offering assistance with canvasing – any and all help, however seemingly small, is desperately needed. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and we are sure there may be more but we wanted to get this out to you quickly. If you see them around and you intend to vote for them, tell them WHY they have your vote. If the opposition asks why you won’t vote for them, tell them too! Women's rights and child safeguarding matter. If you would like to get directly involved with any of the campaigns for the PPCs listed, you should find contact details on their websites; if nobody gets back to you quickly then let us know via a DM on X or email us at as we have direct contact with many of the campaign coordinators. If none of these MPs are local to you, there are still things you can do that help: follow them and like their pages/posts on social media for example. Many have a presence on X, Facebook, and Instagram. You could consider doing some telephone canvassing - just half an hour a day could make a difference to any one of them. Contact them directly - or volunteer via the Conservatives website. Or do call one of our directors Caroline Ffiske on 07712 675 305 if you have not done this before and would like a few tips! Let’s give this one last push before we all mark our Xs on the ballot papers. First of all, the women:
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