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Government gives more money to organisation which promotes gender ideology and slurs women

FairPlayforWomen, TransgenderTrend, WomensPlaceUK slurred, but hey ...

Written by Caroline ffiske. Published 17 November 2021.

This week, as part of 'anti-bullying week', the Department of Education announced that a new round of funding, worth over £1 million, had been handed to five organisations to help schools and colleges tackle bullying. 

Of course the funding is not really to tackle bullying - it's to promote ideology. The funding will be used to 'promote diversity in children and young people'. 'The latest funding boost will go towards projects and programmes that tackle bullying focused on protected characteristics including LGBT+, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and victims of hate-related bullying'. 

Whose activities and ideologies has the Department of Education chosen to promote via this latest round of taxpayer funding? One organisation caught my eye. Equaliteach...

Thanks to the DofE, Equaliteach's reach has now been extended 'to at least 80 schools per year'.

So who is this outfit? Oh, just a group whose output, Minister for Women and Equalities, Liz Truss, publicly disowned last year. Equaliteach had produced a document 'Free to Be' whose contents I documented here. As soon as she became aware of the material, Liz Truss, disowned it. She said 'This document was not approved by government. It does not reflect government policy. The GEO logo should not be on it and I have asked for it to be removed'.

Via 'Free to Be' Equaliteach promoted gender ideology to school kids and challenged ‘cis-normativity’. It misrepresented the law and smeared reputable organisations. It suggested schools can hide personal information about primary age children from their own parents. But the Department of Education signs them up again?

Equaliteach introduced primary school children to bodily discomfort and disassociation via the concept of 'gender identity': ‘someone’s innate psychological understanding of themselves as either a man, woman or another identity beyond the man-woman binary [which] may or may not align with their biological sex’.

Equaliteach taught primary school children about confusing new pronouns: ‘Some people are more comfortable using gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their or ze/zir.’

Tackling the issue of whether parents might object to this teaching, Equaliteach said ‘It is also worth remembering, however, that the need for this work is written into law and that however much some parents and carers may object, this work is both a moral and legal duty’. Incorrect and disingenuous. Schools do not have a legal duty to teach kids about cisnormativity, ze/zir, and inner gender identity.

Equaliteach blithely told primary schools that confused young boys should be allowed into girls' changing rooms: ‘transgender young people should have access to the changing room that corresponds to their gender identity’. 

According to Equaliteach, teachers should keep secrets from parents. If a child discloses their gender identity, Free to Be said: ‘There is no duty to inform the parents/carers and that the duty of care is to the young person and it is their choice when or whether to come out to their parents/carers’. ‘If the child is not out at home, care must be taken to ensure that interactions with parents/carers and documents sent home do not use the child’s preferred name.’ This alone is a safeguarding red flag. But it gets worse. Free to Be also suggested that if a child discloses information about his or her sexuality or gender identity, the listener does not need to disclose this to other adults within the school. Just a secret... between an adult and child - in a school setting...

But the most disgraceful part of Equaliteach's output was its smearing of groups established to protect the rights of women and children and who have argued for caution in the promotion of gender identity to our children. Within a red box and with a prominent red ‘Beware!’ sign, Equaliteach said ‘sometimes anti-LGBT+ groups create resources with the aim of undermining rights for LGBT+ people. Such a resource has been created by a group known as ‘Transgender Trend' . . . It is advised to ignore any resources or other communications from this group’. Under the same Beware! sign: ‘The organisations Women’s Place UK and Fair Play for Women have also issued guidance which is inaccurate and confusing about toilet provision in schools.’

Disgraceful and slanderous.

Did Equaliteach learn anything? No - it still makes this material available to schools free-to-download - still slurring Transgender Trend, Women's Place UK, and Fair Play for Women. (Now slightly amended as per screenshot above - original here!) 

An organisation's output is disowned by the Minister for Equalities and Women, but it's back! An organisation slurs reputable organisations, but it's back! An organisation produces material containing safeguarding red flags, but it's back! An organisation produces material encouraging bodily disassociation and dysphoria in young people, but it's back! This material could result in the most vulnerable few taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and being sterilised, unable to experience sexual pleasure or have children, medicated for life - but it's back! The Department of Education hands it taxpayer funds and invites it into our schools.

Safe Schools Alliance highlights more of Equaliteach's output here.

Another outfit, Diversity Role Models, has also received funding from the DoE in the latest round. It gets
boring to repeat. They produce material which breaches the Department of Education's own Relationship and Sex Education teaching guidelines. They suggest that children might be a different gender based on their personality and interests or the clothes they prefer to wear. They talk about sex being 'assigned at birth'. They advise school staff that 'trans students' should use the toilets and changing rooms according to their gender identity. But the DoE hand out cash - and access to schools - anyway.

Did the Minister for Education, Nadhim Zahawi sign this off? I have to assume not - it was stitched up deep in the bowels of our bloated bureaucracy, captured by gender ideology, and unaccountable to democratic scrutiny. 

The promotion of gender ideology via the Department of Education is a safeguarding scandal. It's a crony-funding-sleeze scandal too: who are the bureaucrats funnelling cash to discredited organisations? It's a democratic scandal. Ministers of Education and RSE guidelines have made clear that gender ideology should not be promoted within our schools - yet it continues.

Enough is enough. Conservative MPs need to step up. Sign up more junior Ministers? Get them monitoring departments; scrutinising funding; scouring policies. The promotion of gender ideology to our children, the funding of complicit organisations, must stop.

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15 July 2024
Almost a year ago I made the difficult decision to retire after the next general election. That election came a little earlier than expected but I made a promise to my family, so I am standing down from both Conservatives for Women and my parliamentary work. I know I am leaving our task in excellent hands; my fellow directors at Conservatives for Women will continue to ensure we solidify the gains we have made within our party, and my dear friends and colleagues in many other groups will hold the new government's feet to the fire. Some of those groups did not even exist three years ago; our movement to restore sanity, safeguarding, and protect our sex-based rights goes from strength to strength. I will be working in parliament until the end of July. I will continue to support our fight in any way I can, and will always be available if I can be of help. I am stepping back, but not completely stepping away. It has been an absolute honour to share this battle with you all. For the foreseeable future though, you will find me listening to Test Match Special in my shed :-) Karen Varley, 15 July 2024
15 July 2024
Five years ago Conservatives for Women was born. We were a group of women shocked by how a marginal, unscientific, and harmful idea was taking centre stage in our shared public life. We knew, like everyone else, that a vanishingly small number of men and women seek to present as the opposite sex in their public and private lives and deserve to be treated civilly. But we did not believe that school children should be taught that ‘everyone has a gender identity’. We knew this involved the State lying to our children. We did not believe that vulnerable children should be supported by the NHS to take experimental drug treatments to suppress their puberty and then move on to cross sex hormones. We instinctively knew this was the State harming our children. We also knew that women had a right to single sex spaces, services, sports, and wider opportunities. And we knew that we had a right to talk about this; yet doing so, five years ago, appeared genuinely frightening. Women were losing their jobs. So a small bunch of Conservative women got together. For several years we worked incredibly closely even though we had never met! Because our goal was clear. We knew that what was going on had to be addressed at a policy level; at a parliamentary level. We needed the Conservative Party to become gender critical. While we worked cooperatively, Karen Varley became our group leader. I expect she had little idea, five years ago, that she would soon be working 70 hour weeks, engaging directly with Ministers, MPs and Peers, tackling serious policy issues in real time. Conservatives for Women, working alongside all the other gender critical groups and grassroots individuals, turned the tide on gender ideology in the UK. Together we created Terf Island. We know that our work is very far from over. But now Karen is retiring and we would like to thank her for a truly immense contribution. She’s played her part in a historic movement. We look forward to someone, someday, writing up this period in full. They will need to talk to Karen. And now our work will continue. Here’s to Karen Varley, grassroots women, and Terf Island! Caroline ffiske, 15 July 2024
12 June 2024
We hope this newsletter finds you well and gearing up for an election battle that’s only just begun, and with the reminder that, however dire the polls, Teresa May had a 20 point lead over Jeremy Corbyn in 2017… and then she published the Conservative manifesto and enraged the public. Her lead plummeted and the Conservative’s majority shrank enough that she had to make a deal with the DUP to command a majority to govern. Labour should be publishing its manifesto tomorrow and there is every chance it contains something that will enrage the public at large. Even if that doesn’t transpire, there is still everything to play for, and to that end, our candidates need your help. We already know the Conservatives have pledged in its manifesto to make the Equality Act clear , to clarify that sex means, and has always meant, biological sex, and not something that can be modified by a piece of paper. This, along with other manifesto commitments, is a measure that will do a great deal to help preserve single sex spaces, and protect the safety and dignity of women and girls. We now need to get out there and make it clear that our candidates not only know what a woman actually is, but will always put the safety, privacy and dignity of women and girls first. If you haven’t read it, the full manifesto can be found here . We highlighted some of the key statements in our X thread here . One of the first candidates to give a clear and well informed response to questions on women’s rights and child safeguarding was Michael Tomlinson , Conservative candidate for Mid Dorset and North Poole. Let us know if your candidate says something useful! Below, we have listed every Conservative candidate who is known to be supportive of our aims. Every one of these candidates needs support, whether it’s through encouraging messages via social media or by offering assistance with canvasing – any and all help, however seemingly small, is desperately needed. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and we are sure there may be more but we wanted to get this out to you quickly. If you see them around and you intend to vote for them, tell them WHY they have your vote. If the opposition asks why you won’t vote for them, tell them too! Women's rights and child safeguarding matter. If you would like to get directly involved with any of the campaigns for the PPCs listed, you should find contact details on their websites; if nobody gets back to you quickly then let us know via a DM on X or email us at as we have direct contact with many of the campaign coordinators. If none of these MPs are local to you, there are still things you can do that help: follow them and like their pages/posts on social media for example. Many have a presence on X, Facebook, and Instagram. You could consider doing some telephone canvassing - just half an hour a day could make a difference to any one of them. Contact them directly - or volunteer via the Conservatives website. Or do call one of our directors Caroline Ffiske on 07712 675 305 if you have not done this before and would like a few tips! Let’s give this one last push before we all mark our Xs on the ballot papers. First of all, the women:
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