Census 2021 is a survey that collects information for the government about all the households in England and Wales.
Currently, the planned Guidance for the 2021 Census will allow people to self-identify their sex. We object to that. Sex is binary and immutable. If people are able to self-identify their sex, it makes the sex question in the Census non-sensical. The resulting data from the Census will be unreliable. In our view this undermines the integrity and purpose of the Census. How can you introduce subjective components into a document and process, which of all things, should be fact-based and data-driven?
There are also plans for the Census to include a voluntary question about gender identity. We also object to this. The idea that we all have an inner gender identity that may or may not be aligned with our biological sex is a contentious one. It has no basis in science. We also believe that the notion is harmful. For example, our view is that gender ideology may persuade vulnerable young people to consider that they have been born in the wrong body. It may persuade a very small number of them to seek medical pathways; to transition towards appearing more like the other biological sex. Our concern is that vulnerable young people may come to regret this action. Our concern is that the long term impact of some of the medical procedures is not fully understood. In the long run side effects may be harmful. We are aware of many 'detransitioners' who regret what they have done. We are aware that with the current prevalence on social media and elsewhere of gender ideology, that there is a dramatic increase in the number of young people presenting at gender clinics seeking bodily changes which they may later regret. For all of these reasons we regard it as profoundly unwise for the Census to promote gender ideology to every household in the country.
Finally we regard ideas about gender; gender expression and gender identity, to be about our entirely lawful and human desire to explore who we are. We are all, and must remain, free to express ourselves, and to explore our inner sense of self as we wish. But this is not a matter for the Census. We regard it as an unwise precedent for the Census to encroach upon and enquire about such matters of private self-expression.
More information.
How you can help
You can help by writing to your MP (of any party) to request that they raise the matter with the relevant Minister and the Office for National Statistics. Our template letter is here, but we recommend you use it for inspiration, rather than copying it wholesale, and always add your own personalisation. You can find your MP's contact details here.
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